Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Getting Ready for Kenya

Woo hoo! So Brad and I are headed to Kenya. Yes, Kenya, AFRICA. And on the way back we're going to stop in the MIDDLE EAST, too - Dubai. The continent of ASIA.

It's a medical mission so Brad will be doing all the medical stuff. Me, I'm just gonna be the photo girl. I got this new laptop so I can take it with me to upload the photos and blog our awesome experiences. This post is just a "hey, I need to get this blog thing set up on the new computer" kind of post.

More to come...


Michelle said...

Will be exciting to read about and see what you are experiencing. Love that you are sharing. :) Safe travels...

Susan Smith said...

I can't wait to read your story! I read somewhere that if you bring a trinket from your home and bury it on your trip that you will always have a part of you left behind. ;-)